Kostyme- og scenografiforum: Donatella Barbieri: Costume in Performance
Donatella Barbieri holder et foredrag om kostymedesign og ulike tilnærminger til dette.
I forbindelse med det nyopprettede masterstudiet i scenografi arrangeres det også denne våren en forelesningsrekke som utforsker scenografi og kostyme. Forelesningene er et samarbeid mellom avdelingene Design og Teaterhøgskolen, og ambisjonen er å utforske hva scenografi og kostyme kan være.
- Hvilken rolle spiller scenografi og kostyme i scenekunsten?
- Hva er de sentrale problemstillingene innenfor feltet?
Donatella Barbieri: Costume in Performance
In this lecture Donatella Barbieri will discuss how ideas of costume as a wearing of space, of time and of states of being, have echoed across history in different ways. She will refer to her book, Costume in Performance, which will be published in 2017, and to the methodology of her practice-based research, both of which have led her to question the extent to which costume may, in the appropriate context, be consider as co-authoring of the performance with the performer.
Donatella Barbieri is Senior Research Fellow in Design for Performance, at London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London and was, until recently, Visiting Research Fellow at the Victoria and Albert Museum. As costume-based scenographer and scholar, Donatella has taught extensively, lectured publicly, presented at international conferences, curated exhibitions and convened research events. Performance-making and designing performance from the perspective of costume are the focus of her practice-based research, as is the fascination with the costumed body and its infinite potential to articulate and embody the human condition. Costume in Performance, her book, will be published by Bloomsbury in 2017. She is also editor of the soon to be launched Studies in Costume and Performance research journal.
Ansvarlig for foredragsrekken
Anette Therese Pettersen (scenekunstkritiker), Christina Lindgren (professor i kostymedesign, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo) og Carl Christian Lange (førsteamanuensis i scenografi, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo).
Gratis og åpent for alle!
Photo: Image of Wearing Space workshop, by Donatella Barbieri, with Giulia Pecorari, Mary Kate Connolly and Helen Rogers.