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Akademirommet: Ksenia Aksenova

Akademirommet: Ksenia Aksenova

Desperate Measures 18.29

You can create special color highlighting effects by using the Highlight option on the Formatting toolbar. Highlighting in Word is the electronic equivalent of using a highlighter pen to call attention to a portion of a document… Highlighting is unique in that it is neither character nor paragraph formatting.


Dear conversationalist,

Look at me. I am thoroughly derivative. A combination of chance and trigonometry.
My thesaurus needs professional help, not that there is anything wrong with it. The three sirens of Titan from that photograph now are “vintage” and don´t look at me anymore. I eternally search for catchy quotes: they develop into the syncopating ‘talks’ highlighted in MSWord. I talk too little myself.
What I love most are the conversations around, before and after, but not about. Most of all I love when there is someone who has a very distinct point of view, even better with someone else fighting for the other perspective. This is where I get to see the political stretch; this is how I physically take hold of my own position and act.
Sometimes I start to imagine one can defy the temporality of exhibitions. Except, it defies me back, along with reasoning and logic. After the finissage this show will remain existing in memory lists and folders on hard drives; as snapshots entering internet streams to reproduce and lose quality. But for now, being neither character nor paragraph, the time and space for desperate measures are here.

Desperate Measures 18.29, a 72m2 temporary installation, is an attempt to respond to the realities of this space. The response is translated from the jargon of performative writing into language of matter. “Desperate times call for desperate measures”, from where the current title originates, is a quote that will be resolved at the MA graduation show opening May the 27th 2016, again, at Kunstnernes Hus.