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Anders Paulin
Anders Paulin

Forum Dans #4: Anders Paulin in conversation with Bojana Cvejić

Anders Paulin will in conversation with Bojana Cvejić discuss some of the basic concepts of the publication Twin Figure of Mimesis and how they are applied in his practical work.

Twin Figure of Mimesis
How can we approach the art object as an autonomous thing; not a mere copy of the world, but an object existing on its own conditions? Is there agency without subject/object relations? And what language and strategies of mediation would be relevant in this context?
In the publication Twin Figure of Mimesis Anders Paulin makes a scripted journey through the landscape of performative mimetics. Written as a double bill, where the collection of essays meets a scripted version of a performative work, the book aims to discuss and problematize a platonic paradigm in performing arts, organizing the world into true and false, original and copy. Opposed to this, the texts address various alternative concepts of mimesis. The collection of essays is written in dialogue with Bojana Cvejić, Benjamin Noys, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Peggy Phelan and Austin Gross and is released by Skogen Community Press, Gothenburg.

Anders Paulin will in conversation with Bojana Cvejić discuss some of the basic concepts of the publication and how they are applied in his practical work. The event is an extension of a workshop Paulin and Cvejić are holding for the MA students in dance.

The event will be held in English.

Anders Paulin has been directing 40+ productions at theatres such as Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, Nationaltheatret in Oslo, Stockholm City Theatre, Theater Basel and The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. For a number of years he has been collaborating with Johan Forsman at Skogen, Gothenburg with the accumulative archive/performanceThree White Soldiers
Paulin has been teaching regularly at Uniarts in Stockholm, The Danish School of Performing Arts, KHiO in Oslo and the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. 2015-16 he worked with the research project Non-Mimetic Performativity at the Danish School of Peforming Arts in Copenhagen.

Bojana Cvejić is Professor of Dance Theory at the Oslo National Academy of Arts. Her research and publications span continental philosophy, aesthetics and performance studies. Cvejić is author of several books (Choreographing Problems, Palgrave 2015, Public Sphere by Performance, with A. Vujanović, bbooks 2012 and three volumes of A Choreographer’s Score with A. T. De Keersmaeker, Mercatorfonds 2011-13) and has collaborated on many theater and dance works as dramaturge/performer/writer since 1996.

Forum Dans has been initiated by the Academy of Dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) starting in the fall of 2018. The goal of the forum is to open up and expand the space for debate and dialogue regarding relevant issues and topics within the field of dance.