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Illustrasjon av Magnus Hjortlund
Illustrasjon av Magnus Hjortlund

«Enter the mouth of the Academy» - Åpent akademi 2019

110 bachelor- og masterstudenter med ulik arbeidsmetode og innfallsvinkel til kunstens flere uttrykk viser frem alt fra prosesser og skisserte prosjekter til ferdige arbeider.

Åpent akademi er i helhet en stor utstilling, hvor atelierer, utstillingsrom og uteområdet rundt skolen benyttes som visningssteder. Studentene står selv for sammensetningen og utvalg av arbeider.

Professorer og studenter vil være tilstede under Åpent akademi, og det vil bli mulighet for diskusjon og spørsmål rundt de forskjellige verkene som stilles ut. Det vil også være guider tilstede som kan hjelpe besøkende å finne frem på skolen og svare på spørsmål.
Studentenes atelierer står åpne, i tillegg har vi et performance-program, filmvisning, kunst salg og utstillinger i flere av skolens gallerirom.
Studentverter vil ta imot dere i resepsjonsområdet og det blir korte omvisninger for å vise frem studentliv og Kunstakademiet.

Opening times 15:00-21:00

Seer – Group show, Skylight

Screening program – Group show, Black box

Loppemarked: There and After– Exhibition and art sale, P0 & Prosjekttorget

Andris. Typisk namn på elder mann - Group show, Seilduken 1

Fictional Storytelling as Self-portrait – Photography, Room before the canteen

A still Image Assembled by 6480 Frames - 16mm screening, Reception

DEG DJ <<waiting for you>> - performance & listening session, Akers Mek

Landing – duo show, Mari Eriksen & Jinbin Chen, Room between the library and reception

Aglossostomography – Or How to Speak Without a Tongue , The Auditorium
[Lecture Performance] Erik Bünger

SLIPPERS ON TOUR – performance, Byggetorget

Monsterstreker – exhibition opening, group show, Under the stairs between the reception and the canteen

Unstable monuments – duo live exhibiton, The Academy room, Kunstnernes Hus, December 12th 15.00-22.00, December 13th 19.00-21.00. 



Hedda Hørran
Damla Kilickiran
Viktor Pedersen
Kier Cook Sandvik
Mikkel Carlsen

This is a hand, marked by need of tools, by movements repeated throughout days of work and leisure, by rings of promises and materials in intimate relation. This is an intricate pattern of grounds, positioned by the inclination of a cup, by the friction of a glaze. These are the stars, the slice of sky above a bedroom, framed by a window, facing one direction of a universe.

Welcome to the inaugural exhibition of CEO., "Seer", presenting a group show of five artists from the MA classes of Kunstakademiet!

“Seer” aims to reveal kinship and mutual grounds between disparate practices all working within a shared institution; within its infrastructure, curriculum and its resources. An institution that limits and restraints, enables and gives means to a discourse of knowledge- and image production. In the passage between two semesters, “Seer” summons the relation between materiality and concept, between object and subject, in order to visualize how the things around us enable what we can think and know.

About the gallery:
CEO. resides within the spatial parameters of what was formerly used as a medical examination bench. It is now an experimental gallery with no other home than within itself. It’s inherent purposes of examination constructs the foundation for critical visualization of the relationship between materiality and knowledge. CEO. conditions the works that are exhibited within its limits. The works that are exhibited within the limits of CEO. conditions the gallery. All works presented within CEO. becomes a new independent and uniform coalition with the structures and space that compose the gallery. CEO. is run by Camilla Edström Ödemark.

Film screening

We are some students working with film and video, and we are presenting some works in a screening program in form of a scheduled loop, inside the black box, entered from the outside.

The works you can see in the program are by:
Zoi Johansson, Mehdi Torkaman, Jasper Siverts, Maria Storm-Gran, Sara Liv Hermansson, Ingrid Kristensen Bjørnaali, Elise Nohr Nystad, Pia Sundt Bjørlie and Johanna Hoffsten.

There will also be documentation of the project "Working Friendship" with Alma Braun, Erik Aronsson and Mariko Miyata Jancey.

Loppemarkeder, There and After
P0 and Prosjekttorget

Ingrid K. Bjørnaali
Jørgen Herleiksplass Lie
Hanne Nilsen Nygård
Alex Achtem
Rickard Aall
Øyvind Novak Jenssen
Helle Lindskog
Elina Waage Mikalsen
Kier Cooke Sandvik
Mari Eriksen
Yu Shuk Pui Bobby
Benedict Beldam
Erle saxegaard
Montserrat Llampallas

to the remains from previous artworks
to tests that didn't work out
texts we read and noted in
something beautiful that just didn't fit
something new made out of something old

Loppemarked: There and After
Invites you to our flee market show where we sell pieces from our studios at discount prices.
There will also be a café with coffee and home made cakes.

Andris. Typisk namn på eldre mann.
Galleri Seilduken 1, KHiO
Group exhibition 12. -14. December 2019

12/12/2019 15:00-21:00
13/12/2019 14:00-18:00
14/12/2019 12:00-14:00

Identitet, kulturelle uttrykk og ensomhet er blant krysningspunktene til Dev Dhunsi, Ana Marques Engh og Anne-Marte Før.

Gjennom utstillingen, Andris. Typisk namn på eldre mann, ønsker vi å utforske dialogen og spenningen som oppstår mellom tre kunststudenters uttrykksformer i et gallerirom. Vi ser denne prosessen som en del av det å bli bedre kjent med egne verk, men også erfare å løsrive seg fra de. Ved å se eget arbeid i sammenheng med andres arbeid kan det oppstå en egen selvstendighet i verket og tydeliggjøre verkets relevans fra en betrakters ståsted – og ikke bare fra vårt eget. I dialogen mellom verkene kommer det til syne klare tematiske paralleller der utforskning av kulturell identitet står sentralt; erfart og uttrykt gjennom personlige erfaringer.

Emilia Sølvsten
Two pieces, grown out of from the same working process, stand completely different next to one another. Complementing each other in method and interest. Observations captivated by human interactions, group dynamics and hierarchical structures in social settings are taking shape through the subjective eye in video and photography. 

Fictional Storytelling as Self-portrait
Room before the canteen

Documented meetings with strangers. A combination of self-projected observations and actual situations taking place. Unconsciously assimilating information from many sources, unconsciously judgments are being made. What becomes is a constructed perception; a resituated timeline; leaps back and forth between fragments of memorized impressions from social encounters. An evidence of my presence that reveals its position in the company of others.

A still Image Assembled by 6480 Frames


The anticipation is triggered, a still image expecting to be taken. Waiting for the moment to accelerate and the shutter to go off. There is no peak, only a constant moment of silence that never seems to reach its destination. Misinformation leads to misrecognition of the
16mm Bolex cameras actual function. It leaves the participants with a somewhat romanticized idea of an obsolete technology that once was, but is now no longer is recognizable. A still image assembled by 6480 frames becomes a moving image.

DEG DJ <<waiting for you>> activates Akers Mek, the house by the river, with listening session played by kunstakademiet students, Stacey de Voe and Chloe Elgie.
Akers Mek

Room between the library and reception

Landing is not falling.
Deleuze and Guattari wrote In A Thousand Plateaus, “We know nothing about a body until we know what it can do, in other words, what its affects are, how they can or cannot enter into composition with other affects, with the affects of another body, either to destroy that body or to be destroyed by it, either to exchange actions and passions with it or to join with it in composing a more powerful body.”(P257)
Landing is the encounter towards the boundary of different medium, within a state to harness the power between forces during the process of changes, fulfilled with interweaves of sensation and consciousness.
Landing is a duo exhibition of Mari Erikson and Jinbin Chen, attempting to look for the unmeasurable point and a relatively stable state between the personal and the impersonal, the meaningful and the meaningless, stepping into poetic jokes, objectification of subject and maybe some other serious businesses.

Aglossostomography – Or How to Speak Without a Tongue [Lecture Performance],

Erik Bünger
Auditoriet 17:00

In the middle of the seventeenth century, a French surgeon stumbles upon the astounding discovery of a boy who has lost his physical tongue yet continues to fluently articulate every word of his mother tongue. Twelve hundred years earlier a group of Christian martyrs all have their physical tongues cut off as a punishment for refusing to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ. And yet they all miraculously continue to use their mother tongue. Erik Bünger's brand new lecture performance examines the recurrent historical phenomenon of a tongue without a tongue – an examination that returns us to the one unsurpassable question that remains unanswered at the root of human language: if there is no necessary connection between tongue and tongue, if the words we speak belong to no particular limb in our bodies, then where does language come from?

Erik Bünger is an artist, writer and composer, whose work investigates the relationship between human language and concepts such as 'voice', 'body', 'animal' and 'nature'. In performance lectures, videos, and writings he explores how such concepts, by referring to something mute and unspeakable beyond the reach of language, be¬come central voids around which our linguistic reality is built up. His lecture performances have been presented around the world in venues such as Centre Pompidou in Paris, The Wellcome Collection in London, The Lincoln Center in New York, KW in Berlin and The Curitiba Biennial in Brazil. In 2018, his debut book, The Elephant Who Was a Rhinoceros was published on RpB Verlag (Cologne).

Joel Billekvist

1-3 h start 19:00

Under the stairs between the reception and the cantina, 20.00. 

They live under the stairs between the cafeteria and the reception. They make some tricks there, stick to dust. They are the opposite of danger. 
We, Solveig and Maria, invite you to the opening of this exhibition 8 PM, 12th of December, during Open Academy.

«Unstable monuments»
Akademirommet, Wergelandsveien 17, behind Kunstnernes hus

12/12/2019 15:00-21:00
13/12/2019 19:00- 21:00

We wish to welcome you all to the last exhibition at the academy room this year. A duo live exhibition by Montserrat Llampallas and Yu Shuk Pui Bobby (余淑培).

«Unstable monuments» takes as its starting point the unique position of the academy room. Both inside and outside two institutions. A part of the art academy but still physically a part of the Kunstnernes hus building. 

MapOpen Academy - Map