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The Student Council

The Student Council is the highest student authority at KHiO.

The Student Council (Studentrådet, SR) is the institution’s highest student authority and is elected by the students themselves. The Student Council is independent of political parties and aims to work for the students’ rights, learning environment and educational quality.

The Student Council consists of four students who are elected for one academic year at a time. The Student Council has regular meetings with the institution’s leadership. In addition, the Student Council has regular meetings with the student committees (studentutvalgene, SU) at each department. It is also the Student Council that represents the students in various councils and committees.

You can read about who is sitting on the Student Council for the current academic year here.

For any enquiries, please contact the Student Council by e mail at

The student committees

The student committees consist of representatives from each department.

There are six student committees (studentvalg, SU), one for each department. The student committees consist of representatives from the various programmes at the department. Every student committee chooses a leader and a deputy leader who will be in charge of the meeting activities and for following up matters of student interest. The student committee members are the department’s student representatives and are in close contact with the dean. In addition, the Student Council and the student committees have regular meetings, and the student committee representatives act as intermediaries between the Student Council and the students at the department.

Other committees with student representatives

Student participation is a high priority, and students are represented in several councils and committees.

The Student Council represents the students in the following committees at KHiO:

The Academy Board

The Academy Board is the highest authority at KHiO and includes two student representatives.

Two student representatives, each with their own personal deputy representative, sit in the board. These representatives are elected for one year at a time. The student representatives participate in the board to ensure student involvement in every discussion and every decision made by the board.

You can read more about the board and its work here.

Akers Mek

Akers Mek is the student centre at KHiO.

Akers Mek is the student centre at KHiO and is a social venue for all the students across the departments. The Student Council has an agreement with KHiO that gives them rights in regard to coordinating the use of Akers Mek. The offices of the Student Council are also located in the building.

If you wish to reserve Akers Mek, you may send an application here.

If you are planning an event at Akers Mek, you must follow the rules that are currently in effect.

External organisations

The Student Council is in close contact with several external organisations and represents KHiO students there.

The Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo and Akershus

All students are members of the Student Welfare Organisation in Oslo and Akershus (Studentsamskipnaden i Oslo og Akershus, SiO) and are entitled to use SiO’s offerings, which include health services, student housing, training centres and cafés.

Read more about SiO here.

The Welfare Council (Velferdstinget, VT)

The Welfare Council (Velferdstinget, VT) is an interest group and is the highest political authority in welfare issues for all students affiliated with SiO. Representatives from KHiO can be elected to sit in the Welfare Council as a representative of the smaller institutions.

Read more about the Welfare Council here

National Union of Students in Norway

KHiO is a member of the National Union of Students in Norway (Norsk Studentorganisasjon, NSO), which is the interest group for Norwegian students. NSO upholds the students’ interests in their encounters with politicians, journalists, institutions of higher learning, Lånekassen and so forth.

Read more about NSO here