Nettleseren støttes ikke av, og siden kan vises feil. Vennligst oppgrader til en moderne nettleser. Hvis dette ikke er mulig, prøv å skru av javascript. Siden vil bli da enklere, men for det meste fungere.

Støttede nettlesere: Chrome 117, Firefox (Android) 118, Android WebView 117, Chrome 117, Chrome 116, Chrome 115, Chrome 114, Chrome 109, Edge 117, Edge 116, Firefox 118, Firefox 117, Firefox 91, Firefox 78, Safari/Chrome (iOS) 17.0, Safari/Chrome (iOS) 16.6, Safari/Chrome (iOS) 16.3, Safari/Chrome (iOS) 16.1, Safari/Chrome (iOS) 15.6-15.7, Opera Mobile 73, Opera 103, Opera 102, Opera 101, Safari (MacOS) 17.0, Safari (MacOS) 16.6, Safari (MacOS) 15.6, Samsung 22, Samsung 21

Javascript er skrudd av. bør fungere, men med et enklere grensesnitt.

Camilla Bruerberg

Camilla graduated from Oslo National Academy of the Arts in 2008. Currently she is a PhD Candidate at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, working with digital knitting technology and exploring the vast possibilities within materiality and shape from the vantage point of materials, clothing and our surroundings.

Forskningsprosjekt: SOFT CONSTRUCT. Not the style, but the space


  • Camilla Bruerberg: 0011 (2019).
    Kunstutstilling. Mer info
  • Camilla Bruerberg: The thing in question - thread, surface and beyond (2019).
    Kunstutstilling. Mer info