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Internal call for two artistic research projects each with their own Phd research fellow position

Oslo National Academy of the Arts announces an internal call for two four years artistic research each including a three year fellowship positon, approved by rector 17 June 2024.

  • Application deadline: 15 November 2024
  • Limit of funding to each artistic research project (total two projects): 1 million NOK (funding to the Phd artistic research position is in addition)
  • Who can apply? Academic staff employed at Oslo National Academy of The Arts who has “KUF-tid” as part of their work schedule and who is at minimum employed in an 50 % position.
  • Project duration: 4 years
  • Phd fellow position duration: 3 years
  • Time for initiating the projects: latest no later than 1 August 2025

The background for this call is that there will be no more calls from the Program for Artistic Research in Norway (PKU), but some of the funds have been transferred to the institutions.

The Board at The Oslo National Academy of Arts has set aside 2 million NOK of these funds for the implementation of two artistic research projects (funds for the Phd artistic research positions will be in addition).

Please note that the project manager/applicant has a responsibility to involve the dean in the application phase.