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Illness and absence from examinations

What do you do if you are sick or have another reason for being absent from the examination? What is a valid absence and how do you register your absence?

What is a valid reason for absence?

Candidates are not permitted to sit the same examination more than three (3) times. This is governed by Section 6-2 (4) of the Regulations of Studies at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

In some cases, absence on the day of the examination shall not count as an examination attempt. This is called a valid absence. 

Examples of valid absences are:

  • that you or your children are sick
  • a death in your close family or others with whom you have a close relationship
  • funeral or cremation service in your close family or others with whom you have a close relationship
  • other exceptional reasons that make it unreasonable to require you to complete an assessment/examination

What is a postponed exam?

Postponed exams are arranged for students who are ill or have another valid reason for not attending an ordinary exam.

The postponed exam is usually held in the same semester as the regular exam or before the teaching starts the next semester. 

If the student’s further participation at KHiO does not depend on having passed the exam, the student may choose to wait to take the postponed exam until the next ordinary exam is held.

A deferred exam may have a different form than an ordinary exam.

Deadline for reporting absence

Absence from an examination must be reported prior to the start of an exam, and no later than three working days after the examination date/deadline for submitting the examination. Please use this form (Feide login).

Absence that is not reported in advance or that is not approved as valid will be counted as one of the three permitted examination attempts. The same applies to students who submit a blank answer sheet, who withdraw during an examination without a valid reason or who, without a valid reason, fail to submit reports, works, home assignments or the like within the prescribed deadlines.

Documentation requirements

Normally, we require a medical certificate or other relevant documentation.

Use this form to apply for reporting absence.