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One-year programme in opera

One-year programme in opera

The one-year programme in opera is for students who have completed at least two years of music studies at the university college level. The programme provides basic stage and musical training in the field of opera. After completing the programme, you can apply for admission to the Master’s programme in opera.

Study programme title
One-year programme in opera
Study programme code
Nominal length of study
1 year full-time
Language of instruction
Application deadline
01 February 2024

The programme allows you to work with

  • singing and musical rehearsal
  • basic acting technique
  • opera history and language training

The various subjects are integrated into stage productions, where you as a student are allowed to develop yourself as an artist within a professional setting. All classes are mandatory.


The application deadline was 01 February 2024. New application deadlines are announced early in the Autumn Semester.

About the Academy of Opera

Ever since its foundation in 1964, the Academy of Opera has served as Norway’s leading institution for opera education. We offer both a one-year programme and a Master’s programme in opera.

Featuring world-class educators and stage facilities, the Academy combines individual, group and project-based training. Stage productions and concerts represent important milestones under way in the programme. At the Academy, students are allowed to work with professional directors and conductors and a full team of stagehands. This provides students with a versatile, practical education and a solid foundation for becoming professional opera singers both in Norway and abroad.

Read more about the department's staff and research focus