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BBQ grill på KHiO ved studiestart 2022.
BBQ grill på KHiO ved studiestart 2022.

An Inclusive Kick-off to the New Academic Year

The new academic year is just around the corner, and new and old students are now gathering on-campus. KHiO wants everyone to have a fun, educational and inclusive kick-off to the new academic year.

On Monday, the new academic year at KHiO officially kicks off, and new students will spend the day at their particular department. They will be welcomed there by the dean, the teaching staff and their student buddies. Many of the buddy groups have set up social events for the kick-off, allowing new students to become better acquainted with their fellow students and their teachers alike.

On Wednesday there will be an Academy-wide barbecue evening for all the students. This promises to be a social and enjoyable event – and hopefully the Oslo weather will be on its best behaviour.

Heidi Haraldsen 31«Just as with the other kick-off activities, the barbecue evening will not be a party where alcohol plays the lead role,” says vice-rector for education, Heidi Haraldsen. “We are aware that many students drink alcohol when they socialise, but for us it is important that events organised by KHiO do not have such a focus».

Figures from the Student Health and Well-being Survey (SHoT), which was carried out in the spring of 2023, reveal that as many as 43% of the surveyed students at KHiO believe that too much alcohol is consumed in the student community, and as many as 17% chose not to attend a certain student event because alcohol would be consumed there.

«These are numbers that we take very seriously,” Haraldsen says. “We want the kick-off to include every student, whether they drink alcohol or not.»

The student buddies, who help welcome all the new students at the start of their studies, are also encouraged to organise inclusive events. The buddies have a key role when it comes to making new students feel at home at KHiO.

On Thursday the new rector will be inaugurated, and there will also be a joint event to mark the new academic year. These events will also be alcohol-free.

On Friday many buddies will organise social gatherings for the new students at their various departments. When the next week begins and daily student life is in full swing, the goal is for the new students to have had a good and inclusive encounter with the student community at KHiO.

Welcome to KHiO one and all!

Se også: KHiO studiestart 2023