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When you are going on an exchange

This over is it

There is a lot to keep track of when you are going on an exchange. Please read the following carefully to find out what you need to take care of before, during and after your exchange.

Semester fee

When you go on an exchange through one of the inter-institutional agreements of KHiO, you need to pay the semester fee to KHiO and complete the semester registration, even when you are staying abroad. When exchanging through Nordplus or Erasmus you should not be required to pay fees at the host institution. For other schools there may be other regulations.

Residence permit and visa/registration of travel abroad 

You may need a residence permit and/or visa. Consult the embassy of the host country for more information.


Most schools offer help with finding accommodation. Contact your host institution and ask for help.


You must have proper insurance when going on an exchange. When you go to an EU/EEA/Switzerland, we recommend you to bring The European Health Insurance Card.

The European Health Insurance Card only covers health services, and not for example repatriation, nor contents or your belongings. You should therefore make sure you have proper travel insurance and content insurance. ANSA - The Association for Norwegian Students Abroad - offers insurance geared towards students and exchange students. No matter which insurance you choose, you should read the terms carefully. Most insurances are only valid for 30 days unless you sign on for additional time.

When going on an internship there are additional requirements. In addition to health and travel insurance, you must have accident and liability insurance.

Credits and Transcript of records

As a main rule, you have to do a full semester at your host institution. This means that you should get credits equivalent to 30 ECTS.

When your mobility period is complete, you have to ask your host institution for a Transcript of Records. The credits will then be recognized as part of your degree, so please send this to KHiO as soon as possible.


Oslo National Academy of the Arts would like to see more students go on an exchange during their study. However, many choose or have no other practical choice than to travel by airplane when they travel to their destination for exchange. The transport sector, and planes in particular, are responsible for a large proportion of climate gas emissions. We believe that student exchange is beneficial to the students and to KHiO. We encourage all students to travel climate friendly.

For Erasmus students:

Erasmus logo

Online Learning Agreement

The Learning Agreement is a contract between you, Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) and your host institution. The agreement contains information about which courses you are doing during you exchange, and which courses in your individual education plan at KHiO that is being replaced. The agreement must be signed by all three parties and is your guarantee that the credits you gain during your exchange are recognized as part of your degree at KHiO.

It is your responsibility that the Learning Agreement is filled in and signed by all parties. You will not receive your Erasmus grant unless the Learning Agreement is complete.

KHiO uses Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

  • Create a user in OLA    
  • Have the following ready before filling out the online agreement: 
    - Name and email at the responsible study advisor for student exchange: 
    Hanna Gjelten Hattrem/
    - Name and email of the contact person at the receiving school 
    - Name of courses, codes and ECTS (study points) at the receiving school 
    - Name of courses, codes and number of ECTS to be replaced by KHiO, you can find the courses in your education plan in Studentweb
    - Any language requirements at the receiving institution     
  • Enter the name of the study adviser at KHiO and contact person at the receiving institution     
  • "Receiving institution" is the school you are going to and "Sending institution" is KHiO (home institution) 
  • Table A in OLA: Courses you are going to take at the receiving institution   
  • Table B in OLA: Courses to replace at KHiO     
  • Fill in any language requirements     
  • Sign 

You will be notified by email when any party has signed. You can also follow the progress in the Erasmus Dashboard.

Please contact Hanna if you need help or advice with the OLA.


If the host institution is unable to sign online and require the learning agreement on PDF or on paper, you can create the PDF yourself in the Erasmus Dashboard. You can then send a scanned copy with the three signatures to KHiO in order to complete your Learning Agreement.

Online Language Support (OLS): EU Academy Language test

The EU Academy Language Test is a voluntary (free og charge) offer. The result of the language test is not reported to anyone, it is merely meant as help to you. The test is called Placement test and is available in all 24 EU languages. First you need to register (if you do not already have an acount) and then follow the steps below. You register in the link (step 1, EU Academy) as indicated below.  

1. Go to EU-Academy and log in
2. In the search bar "What do you want to learn today", write "Placement test"
3. Click on the language test you are going to carry out 
4. Press "Enroll" (yellow box on right hand side) 
5. Then tap "Attempt quiz now"
6. The test takes about 10 - 45 minutes 
7. When you have answered all the questions, tap on "Finish attempt"
8. Review of the results. The last page shows your language level 

In case of problems, contact the support team directly or read through the FAQ website for the language test. Please note that in the same portal (EU-Academy) you can conduct language courses. 

Erasmus grant

When you go on an exchange to a school that we have signed an Erasmus inter-institutional agreement with, you will receive an Erasmus grant. The rates are set by the European Commission and the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Hkdir) for one academic year at a time. From Autumn 2023 the grant is EUR 470 or 530 per month, depending of your destination. Before you go you will receive a Grant Agreement. This is where you fill in your bank account information and insurance details. It is mandatory to have proper insurance coverage in order to receive the grant. The Grant Agreement should then be signed and returned to KHiO.

Before we can pay out the grant you must:

  • fill out and sign the Grant Agreement 
  • fill out and sign the Online Learning Agreement
  • pay the semester fee and complete the semester registration (at KHiO)

At the beginning of your stay you will receive 80% of the grant. The remaining 20% will be paid once:

  • the exchange has been completed
  • we have received a transcript of records
  • you have completed the Erasmus evaluation (the survey is automatically sent to your email) 

The complete terms for the payment of the grant is found in the Grant Agreement.

If you are not a citizen of Norway, you have to send us a copy of your passport.

Some students may be eligible for an additional grant. This applies to students with children below the age of 18, students with special needs, students with refugee status or students who are going on an internship. Please ask Academic Affairs to enquire if this applies to you.

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

The Erasmus Charter for students tells you which rights and obligations you have, and what you can expect from your home and host institutions before, during and after your Erasmus exchange.