Adapting an exam for special needs
If you have a disability or a health problem that causes significant disadvantages during the exam, you can apply for exam accommodations.
Accommodations are intended to offset the disadvantages caused by students' disabilities or health problems during exams. At the same time, all students should be assessed equally. Accommodations should not be so extensive that they give you an advantage compared to other students.
Accommodations can be provided in the form of physical measures and/or extended time for exams.
Accommodations are regulated by the Regulations on Studies at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts § 3-4 and the Universities and University Colleges Act § 10-5 and § 10-6.
Documentation Requirements
The need for accommodations during exams must be documented by a doctor/specialist. The certificate must include a detailed explanation of why special arrangements are necessary in the exam situation.
Use the form: Application for Adapting an Exam for Special Needs.
Applications should be sent to and marked 'Studieseksjonen/application for exam accommodations
3 weeks before the exam. Exceptions to the deadline can be made when the need for special arrangements is unforeseen..
If you become acutely ill or injured after the application deadline, you must contact the Section of Academic Affairs at the department as soon as possible.