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Important information about student exchange spring 2021

The ongoing covid-19 situation is still cause for a great deal of uncertainty in all countries. After careful consideration KHiO has nevertheless reached the decision to allow for the possibility of student exchange during spring 2021, albeit with certain conditions:

If you are in a so-called risk group, you should not go on exchange.

There are limitations as to where you can go on exchange

You need to be prepared for the possibility that: 

  • the exchange is cancelled due to:
    • the host institution deciding against accepting exchange students
    • the host country closing their borders
    • the criteria for ending an exchange are fulfilled prior to departure
    • the country turning "red" upon departure, and the date of departure being postponed for too long
    • other unforeseen reasons
  • that the infection situation may change rapidly
  • that parts of the educational programme may be given digitally
  • that you may have to quarantine upon arrival
  • that you may have to quarantine upon returning to Norway
  • that you need to ensure that you are thoroughly informed on the host country’s rules regarding arrival, infection situation, healthcare system, and other regulating and limiting factors.
  • ensure that you understand the conditions of your insurance
  • that you may have to book flexible and therefore more expensive tickets

Your exchange period may be terminated, and you will have to return to Norway

  • An exchange will be terminated if:
    • The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other Norwegian authorities advise Norwegian citizens to return to Norway. 
      • This also applies to students of foreign nationalities.
      • But does not necessarily apply if the student is a citizen of the country they are exchanging to.
  • The exchange may be terminated if:
    • the Covid-19 situation is significantly worsened at the host institution or in the host country.
    • the educational programme at the host institution is significantly worsened.
    • other significant reasons emerge
  • KHiO will make the decision as to whether an exchange should be terminated.

If an exchange is terminated

  • Each individual student should have a conversation prior to their departure looking at how a regular study progression can be ensured in case of a terminated stay. 
  • If KHiO does decide to terminate an exchange, KHiO should, as far as is possible, provide a solution for completing the semester at KHiO and acquiring the necessary credits with us. We can, however, not guarantee that this will be feasible and will be dependent on various factors surrounding the situation.

Other points