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SiO are here for you

SiO are here for you

As a student you are also a part of SiO – The welfare organization for students in Oslo and Akershus, and you can use all their services. We accourage you to familiarize yourself with SiO and use them.

Do you need someone to talk to?

SiO Health have a lot of health services and they are specialized in student issues. Book an appointment with a counsellor if you need to talk to someone – regardless of what you struggle with. SiO Health also have psychologists, public health nurses, psychiatrists and physiotherapists with specialisation in psychomotor physiotherapy, all of whom have higher education or other specialist expertise in fields that are relevant to students.

Read more about the health services here.

Find your student association

There are more than 450 student associations in Oslo, and most interests are covered, such as choir, sports, movies and gaming. To be part of an association can be social, and you might end up with new friends or new knowledge.

Read more about SiO Associations here.

Event calendar

Do you want to have fun tonight, but you’re not sure what to do? Check out the event calendar and you’ll find events for students every day.

Check out the website to read more about all the services SiO have for you.

You can also meet SiO in the Reception area December 7th 11-13.