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Educational forum - A platform for sharing of pedagogical practice at Oslo National Academy of the Arts, fall 2022

Prorector for education in collaboration with Utdanningsutvalget will this fall continue with Educational forum, a collegial sharing platform at KHiO.

Educational forum is an informal meeting point to have discissions and share a general interest in matters regarding teaching and education at KHiO on an institutional level. It is a place where colleagues can meet across the different study programs and departments. The events will be in either Norwegian/other Scandinavian language or in English, based on the member(s) of staff`s project and context.

Prorector for education will moderate the conversations.

This fall the program will be organized as monthly lunch meetings in the library. Coffee and baked goods will be served. Bring your own lunch if you want.

We hope this can be an arena that can both serve as an inspiration and as a chance to meet colleagues based on shared interest in high quality art education.


28.09 kl. 12-13
Marius Holth, assistant professor at the Theater Department (in Norwegian)

Stemmereise- en metode for å undervise i det å søke sitt autentiske uttrykk, eksempel på KUF-basert undervisning (NO)

26.10 kl. 12-13 NB! Postponed to Spring 2023
Merete Bjørgvik Røstad, associate professor at the Arts & Craft Department

Critical reflective practice – examples of a reflect-in-action trough an orchestrated
approach to artistic research-based teaching (EN)

29.11 kl. 12-13
Liv Bugge, associate professor at the Fine Art Department & Per Roar, professor at the Dance Department

Group-crit- Separating feedback from evaluation, experiences with applying the DasArts Feedback method (EN)


We hope to see many of you at Educational forum. Invitations will be sent out as meeting invitations in Outlook, and we ask that those who will attend accept so we know aprox. how many to expect.