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Frå stipendiat Ane Thon Knutsens utstilling Across the Wires, eit samarbeidsprosjekt førsteamanuensis Maziar Raein og skriftdesignar Ellmer Stefan.
Frå stipendiat Ane Thon Knutsens utstilling Across the Wires, eit samarbeidsprosjekt førsteamanuensis Maziar Raein og skriftdesignar Ellmer Stefan.

Open information meeting about artistic research fellowships 2018

Oslo National Academy of the Arts will organize an open information meeting for applicants for the artistic research fellowship 2018.

Video recording of the information meeting,

Time: Wednesday 31.1.2018 kl. 17:00 -19:00
Venue: Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Fossveien 24, Auditoriet


  • Briefing by Trond Lossius, Head of Artistic Research and Fellowship Programme at KHiO
  • Questions

Participation in the information meeting is not a requirement for application.
The information meeting will be video documented, and made available online afterwards.
The presentation will be held in English.

The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme

Oslo National Academy of the Arts is part of The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme, and the announced positions are initially linked to this programme. Oslo National Academy of the Arts is in the process of establishing its own doctoral degree (PhD) in artistic research. The research fellows will be transferred to this new programme once it has been established. Currently, Oslo National Academy of the Arts has 21 active research fellows based at all six departments.

For 2018 Oslo National Academy of the Arts has 6 vacancies, and invites candidates with strong projects of national and internationally relevance within the following subject areas:

  • Choreography, at the Dance department.
  • Interior architecture and furniture design, at the Design department.
  • Printmaking/drawing, textile, metal/jewellery and art in public spaces, at the Arts and Craft department.
  • Visual art, at The Academy of Fine Art.
  • Exploration of the human voice. Challenges, possibilities, singing techniques and maintenance as related to classical operatic voice, at the Academy of Opera.
  • Theatre (including acting, directing, writing, scenography and dramaturgy), with a preference for projects that contribute to development of discourse at the Academy of Theatre.

Application deadline: 15. March 2018 - NB! Applications must be sent electronically, using the Oslo National Academy of the Art application portal at

Fore more information, please visit this web site: Do you want to become a Research Fellow at KHiO?