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The New Constitution Thanks! Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson and The Magic Team, 2020
The New Constitution Thanks! Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson and The Magic Team, 2020

Open Lecture: Libia Castro and Ólafur Ólafssson

In Search of Magic – A Proposal for a New Constitution for the Republic of Iceland.

This lecture is the second of three open lectures that are connected to professor Dora Garcia's course "Comrade, how to build new institutions?".

Register in advance for this webinar

In this talk we are going to focus on In Search of Magic – A Proposal for a New Constitution for the Republic of Iceland, an ongoing project on the struggle for the New Constitution in Iceland, written in 2011 – often called the Crowdsourced Constitution.A collective work where art and activism go in tandem, forming the Magic Team with the wish ofexperimenting with art´s magicand its potential agency for social transformation.

Libia Castro (ES) and Ólafur Ólafsson (IS)
We started to work together in the Netherlands in 1997 and have been living in Rotterdam and Berlin for the last 12 years, staying andworking regularly in Reykjavik and Málaga. We collaborate with people of all walks of life and use different media in our work, which is informal, critical and sociopolitically engaged. Over the years we have joined activists groups and invited other artists, professionals and different people to work in tandem with art and activism.

Guest lecture series: Comrade, how to build new institutions?
18 Feb – Marco Baravalle, 3 pm open lecture
19 Feb – Ólafur Ólafssson & Libia Castro, 3 pm open lecture
25 Feb – Dmitry Vilensky, 3 pm open lecture