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Specialization 1 - Directing/Opera Directing

ECTS Credits
Course code
Included in study programme
Master's programme in Theatre (2021)
Master's programme in Theatre (2024)

Brief course description

The main aim of this course is to provide you with an opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge in your chosen area of specialization. The specialization courses in Acting, Directing/Opera Direction, Writing, and Dramaturgy are designed to offer each student a unique trajectory that aligns with their artistic development goals. The course necessitates you to take responsibility for your artistic development, including long-term planning of their studies and learning goals. These learning objectives should align with the overarching goals of the program, which aims to cultivate versatile, innovative, and reflective theatre artists capable of making significant contributions to the field. Overall, the specialization courses aim to provide you with a flexible and personalized approach to learning that aligns with your artistic aspirations and goals.

2) DIRECTING I: Offers courses in various technical and methodological approaches to directing with a focus on the director's role in creating meaning and communicating with actors, singers, writers, stage designers and other members of the production and design team. The course explores the artistic, social, and ethical dimensions of the director's work and emphasizes the development of the director's individual artistic voice. You will get the opportunity to collaborate with actors, singers and other artists in creating performances in different genres. The course primarily focuses on theatre but allows you to specialize in Directing for Opera by collaborating with the Opera Academy in Oslo. This specialization provides you with the opportunity to apply your skills to the unique challenges and opportunities of the operatic form.

The course’s learning outcomes

After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • Apply a range of artistic methods and techniques within your chosen specialization (acting, directing/Opera direction, writing or dramaturgy) to create meaningful and impactful artistic work, enabling innovation and experimentation in your artistic practice
  • Demonstrate a critical and informed understanding of the artistic processes and principles of your chosen specialization and apply this knowledge in a variety of professional contexts
  • Take responsibility for your own artistic development, including long-term planning of their artistic studies and learning goals, and collaborate effectively with others in pursuing these goals
  • Communicate effectively and reflectively about your ideas and opinions regarding your artistic work, demonstrating a reflective and self-aware approach to your artistic principles, thoughts, and beliefs

Teaching and learning methods

Predominantly a hands-on teaching approach, concentrating on workshops, small projects, colloquiums, and etudes, integrated with theoretical components presented through seminars and lectures. These teaching formats enable you to acquire practical experience and apply fundamental methods and research questions within a cooperative environment.

Course requirements are:

Active participation and compulsory attendance at set times for teaching, supervision, group work, excursions, discussion forums and courses. Submission and presentation of compulsory course assignments to set deadlines.


Assessment is based on your own artistic portfolio, which documents and reflects on your research question, artistic process, and body of work. This portfolio will be reviewed at the end of the term (in the master forum). In addition, you will be required to participate in an oral evaluation with teachers for feedback and to demonstrate your understanding of your specialization. The course is graded pass/fail.