Vocational training 1
Brief course description
The Vocal Training 1 course covers vocal technique, rehearsing, textual work, interpretation and development of a personal expression. Along with the Coaching 1 course, the Vocal Training 1 course lays the musical and vocal foundation for the students’ careers as opera singers.
The course’s learning outcomes
Upon completing the course, students shall be able to
- sing with musical and stylistic assurance
- perform a vocal role with a deliberate, personal and independent expression
Teaching and learning methods
The leaning methods in the Vocal Training 1 course include educator-led teaching, supervision and independent work. The instruction is primarily individual. Some of the lessons are spent on going through a repertoire with the vocal instructor and accompanist. Each vocal instructor collaborates with the director and musical leader in regard to the students’ rehearsing of roles for the Academy of Opera’s stage productions. The instruction may also include joint interpretation lessons with several students.
Coursework requirements:
- mandatory attendance, minimum 80%
- active participation in the instruction
- ongoing completion of the mandatory assignments
All coursework requirements must be approved in order for a student to receive a final course assessment.
The student’s coursework is assessed on an ongoing basis. This ongoing assessment is based on supervision, teacher assessments and the students’ own reflection on their development in relation to the course’s goals. In addition to the ongoing assessment, each student shall hold a final demonstration/presentation.
The educator will carry out the ongoing assessment and the assessment of the demonstrations/presentations. The course uses a pass/fail grading system.