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Statement from the board at the Oslo Academy of the Arts, Oslo October 29th, 2020

Statement from the board at the Oslo Academy of the Arts, Oslo October 29th, 2020

The board regrets the resignation of Rector Måns Wrange, while respecting his decision. The board has initiated the process leading to a new election of the rectorate, and continues with the recruitment of the managing director.

The board acknowledges that KHiO is in a difficult situation, and we therefore aspire to join forces with the entire school in searching for solutions and processes that can foster community, fellowship and a common direction for the Oslo Academy of the Arts.

KHiO is an important institution for artistic education and research in Norway, offering one of the most comprehensive and exciting art educations in the world, and is therefore an attractive place for managers, employees and students.

KHiO is an institution that is open for all, and as such shall be inclusive and accommodating to a diversity of opinion, a place where students and employees enjoy academic and artistic freedom.

Throughout the period affected by corona this autumn, KHiO has carried out extensive work to ensure the continuous high quality of education and artistic research.

The board continues to work for the establishment of a committee for diversity and gender equality, along with an accompanying plan of action. KHiO will continue to provide and intensify measures to allow for the creation of a constructive debate and a safe environment for education and work for our students and employees.