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Art project at the top of Karl Johan street

Art project at the top of Karl Johan street

Students from KHiO have made artwork which they were allowed to place on the flag poles on Karl Johan, the street in Norway leading up to the royal palace.

Students from textile at the department for Art and Craft have made 24 banners which originates from international maritime signaling flags. The project has been named “A Living Ocean” and remained for one week, between 23rd to 29th September.

Students who participated:

Tone Marie Andersson
Alex Bigand
Freja Burgess
Linn Monica Børresen
Ronja Elvenes
Lise Larina Hudson
Majken Hove Jensen
Hans Hamid Rasmussen
Grete Riseng
Ina Vang
Andrea Veiden
Kaia Weiss