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Tiril Schrøder

Tiril Schrøder is a Norwegian drawer and painter (b. 1969) based in Oslo. She is educated in the art academies in Oslo, Hamburg and Copenhagen, and graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1998 and is the holder of degrees in art practice as well as in art theory. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, has a number of public assignments, and also experience as curator, public art consultant and writer. Her work is represented in the collections of The National Gallery in Oslo and in The Museum of Contemporary Art in Oslo.

Schrøders production is based in the world of fiction and consequently comic books, cinema, and the virtual world inspire and inform her works. In her subjects and in her rendering of them, versatility is shown through compositions of smaller drawings as well as large mural works, where the image defies its boundaries and incorporates the surrounding space.

Research results