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Per Roar Thorsnes

Per Roar is a choreographer, performer, lecturer and artist-researcher who in his artistic work merges a socio-political interest and contextual enquiries with a somatic approach to movement. He has extensive experience of working as a choreographer, researcher, and performer in many environments, contexts and countries, and has published several articles related to artistic research.

He holds a BA in choreography from Statens balletthøgskole (now: the Academy of Dance, KHiO), a MA in Performance Studies from New York University, and a Doctorate in Arts (Dance) from the University of the Art Helsinki. His background in history and social sciences from the University of Oslo (Cand. Mag) and graduate studies at Karl Marx University in Budapest (now: Corvinius) and Oxford University, inform his artistic approach and interest in the politics of remembrance and representation.

His choreographic works include WHITE LIES/BLACK MYTHS (1995) (Gran 2000); SHOT IN THE RECLINER - THE ART OF CAMPING (2000) - an interactive camping happening that toured caravan sites in Norway; LIFE & DEATH (2006)- a trilogy based on a choreographic fieldwork into traumatic grieving; IF THIS IS MY BODY (2010-2013), and the last years involvement in collective collaborations such as Seminarium (2012-2016) and BY CARTE BLANCHE (2016).

Per Roar is a recipient of US-Fulbright scholarship (1998-1999), the Norwegian Government fellowship for artists (2000-2003), and the Norwegian Government’s Guarantee Income for Artists (2013-2029). In 2017 he was appointed as Professor and Head of the MA Programme in Choreography at KHIO.

Research results

  • Per Roar: Dancing in times of despair (2024).
    Academic lecture. More information
  • Per Roar: An Unfinished Story: Searching for Counter-Narratives through Performative Memory Work (2024).
    Academic lecture. More information
  • Per Roar: Performative Memory Work (2024).
    Lecture. More information
  • Per Roar, Marte Reithaug Sterud, Luis Schou-Hansen & Jonas Øren: Panel conversation: Launch of the magazine «Skeiv Bevegelse» by Danseinformasjonen at Black Box Theatre in Oslo, 24. March 2023. Participating in a panel hosted by Jonas Øren (editor), DANSEINFORMASJONEN. (2023).
    Popular scientific lecture. More information
  • Per Roar, Camilla Graff Junior, Luisa Greenfield & Myna Trustram: Tracing Practices – questioning and circulating archives (2023).
    Academic article (full text). More information
  • Per Roar: Article: «'Sign ‘O’ the Times': en dansekunstners minnearbeid fra ei skeiv tid» (2023).
    Article in business/trade/industry journal. More information
  • Per Roar: Recent dance history as memory work (2023).
    Lecture. More information
  • Per Roar: «A TRUE STORY – seismic movements that expand the heart's realm» (2023).
    Book review. More information
  • Per Roar: "Appraisal of the victim - in black and white - and red: It concerns us all" (2023).
    Book review. More information
  • Eliot Moleba & Per Roar: Counter-narratives – performative memory work and reactivation of potentials (2023).
    Lecture. More information