Marte Johnslien
Marte Johnslien (1977) is a visual artist who lives and works in Oslo. She works with sculpture, installation art and artist’s books. Her work has previously been shown at the Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (2013), The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Art (2008, 2016), Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp (2011), and in the 12th Havana Biennial in 2015. She has had solo exhibitions in Lillehammer Art Museum (2018), Henie Onstad Kunstsenter (2014), Galleri Riis (2011, 2013) and Kristiansand Kunsthall (2013). Her work is included in the collections of the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter and Lillehammer Art Museum.
Johnslien defended her PhD thesis in 2020. Read more about her PhD project
Research results
MARIT FLÅTTER, Marte Johnslien & Ingrid Halland:
Estetisk bearbeiding av landskap
Interview Journal. More information -
Marte Johnslien & Ingrid Halland:
Titanium Dioxide: An Arts-Based Archeology of an Unsettling Pigment
Lecture. More information -
Marte Johnslien:
Hidden Stone and the project TiO2: The Materiality of White
Lecture. More information -
Vera Kvaal, Ingrid Halland & Marte Johnslien:
Norsk hvitfarge preger hele verden
Popular scientific article. More information -
Marte Johnslien:
Synliggjøring - Fargenes materialitet, mineralindustriens mytologi
Lecture. More information -
Marte Johnslien:
Hidden Stone – Excavating the Materiality of Titanium White
Article in business/trade/industry journal. More information -
Marte Johnslien:
Alkymigulvene på Sandbekk. En tekst til arbeidet Dwell and Descend av Marte Johnslien.
Other presentation. More information -
Marte Johnslien:
Hidden Stone. Utstilling med Marte Johnslien (kunstner og kurator for utstilling), assistent Julia K. Persson, studenter Linda Flø, Silje Kjørholt, Iliana M. Papadimitriou, Quin Scholten og Sara Zamecznik - samlet utgjør disse Materiality of White gruppen.
Art exhibition. More information -
Marte Johnslien, Linda Flø, Julia Katarina Persson, Sara Bauer Gjestland Zamecznik, Iliana Maria Papadimitriou & Quin Scholten:
TiO2: The Materiality of White and the MOW Group - exhibiting glaze tests and material samples. MA2 student Linda Flø exhibits ceramic artworks.
Other presentation. More information -
Marte Johnslien, Linda Flø, Sara Bauer Gjestland Zameczik, Iliana Maria Papadimitriou & Quin Scholten:
TiO2: The Materiality of White and the MA/MoW Group
Lecture. More information