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Dramaturgical practices

Dramaturgical practices

Dramaturgical practices is a symposium in collaboration between writer/playwright Runa Borch Skolseg and critic/editor Anette Therese Pettersen and the National Academy of the Arts; Academy of Dance and Academy of Theatre, in Oslo, Norway.

The symposium will explore and discuss dramaturgical practices, what dramaturgical practice is and can be in the contemporary performing arts field today.


The symposium will start on Monday the 14th of October at 12.00 and end the following day at 15.15. The registration fee is 300 NOK, which includes dinner on the 14th and lunch on the 15th. Please register here.

Monday 14.10.

11.30–12.00: Registration and coffee
12.00–12.15: Welcome
12.15–13.30: Performing arts as political venue: keynote: Oliver Frljic
13.30–13.45: Pause
13.45–15.15: Dramaturgical tools: when the art interact with society, panel talk: Morten Traavik, Mia Habib and Cassius Fadlabi. Moderator: Hild Borchgrevink
15.15–15.30: Pause
15.30–17.00: Dramaturgical tools: from society into the institution, panel talk: Huy Le Vo, Necati Öziri and Kjersti Horn. Moderator: Snelle Hall
17.30–20.00: Dinner

Tuesday 15.10.

09.00–09.15: Welcome / coffee
09.15–10.30: Social dramaturgy: keynote: Bojana Cvejic
10.30–10.45: Pause
10.45–12.15: Dramaturgy as organizational form, panel talk: Ställbergs Gruva (Carl-Oscar Sjögren) and Bananaz (Ingeleiv Berstad). Moderator: Anders Paulin
12.15–13.00: Lunch
13.00–14.30: Heterogeneous dramaturgies: keynote: Jeroen Peeters
14.30–14.45: Pause
14.45–15.15: Discussion and comments, moderated by Kai Johnsen

Mandag 14.10.

11.30–12.00: Registrering og kaffe
12.00–12.15: Velkommen
12.15–13.30: Scenekunst som politisk plattform, foredrag: Oliver Frljic
13.30–13.45: Pause
13.45–15.15: Samfunnsdramaturgi inn i verket: samtale med Morten Traavik, Mia Habib og Cassius Fadlabi. Moderator: Hild Borchgrevink
15.15–15.30: Pause
15.30–17.00: Samfunnsdramaturgi inn i institusjonen: samtale med Huy Le Vo, Necati Öziri og Kjersti Horn. Moderator: Snelle Hall
17.30–20.00: Middag

Tirsdag 15.10.19

09.00–09.15: Velkomst/kaffe
09.15–10.30: Sosial dramaturgi, foredrag: Bojana Cvejic
10.30–10.45: Pause
10.45–12.15: Dramaturgi som organisasjonsform: samtale med Ställbergs Gruva (Carl-Oscar Sjögren) og Bananaz (Ingeleiv Berstad). Moderator: Anders Paulin
12.15–13.00: Lunsj
13.00–14.30: Heterogene dramaturgier, foredrag: Jeroen Peeters
14.45–15.15: Avsluttende diskusjon og kommentar. Moderator: Kai Johnsen

Arrangementet er støttet av Norsk kulturråd.