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Avgang 2019: Avgangsforestilling samtidsdans

Avgang 2019: Avgangsforestilling samtidsdans

Avgangsstudentene på bachelorutdanningen i samtidsdans danser koreografi av Fabrice Mazliah.

Avgangsstudenter BA samtidsdans

Lin Van Kaam, Natanya Helena Kjølås, Vivian Pakkanen.

Telling Stories – a version for three

Koreograf: Fabrice Mazliah

Three protagonists, one space, a few common objects of reference and a multitude of perspectives over-layered one, on top of the other. A sort of a puzzle where the detail and the whole do not keep a steady relationship of proportion, where it is the inter-relations which actually govern the evolution of things, and where the internal situation keeps referring indirectly to an external one, appearing, re-appearing, dis-appearing…


Conceived & Choreographed by Fabrice Mazliah
Performed by Natanya Helena Kjølås, Lin Van Kaam, Vivian Pakkanen
Dramaturgical assistance to the original version: May Zarhy
Sound: Johannes Helberger
Technical creation for light and stage: Harry Schulz
Costumes: Anne-Marie Miene
Rehearsal assistance: Susanne Grau & Adam Ster


Forestillingen er gratis, men det må reserveres billett. Publikum kan se både avgangsforestillingen til BA jazzdans og BA samtidsdans samme kveld, med en liten pause mellom, men det må reserveres separate billetter.

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