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Avgang 2019: INSIDE/OUTSIDE part III

Avgang 2019: INSIDE/OUTSIDE part III

Inside/Outside part III er del av Ram Hari Dhakals avgangsprosjekt på master teater, fordypning i scenografi.

Here, my heart was about to blast out of fear.
They were going to kill me today.
It was the end of my revolution, here all my dreams came to an end.
In the verge of life and death one hour passed.
That one hour in the rhododendron bushes………. I was searching my life.

I invite people to explore the above situation through the sensory.

It is a real experience of a lady from Nepal who was directly involved in the Nepalese civil war from 1996 to 2006.

Creator: Ram Hari Dhakal, Master in Theatre, specialization Scenography
Actor: Ingelin Krogh
Technical and Scenography Assistant: Aksel Høgenhaug
Supervision: Carl Christian Lange and Petter Width 


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