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Når vi flytter fjell

Når vi flytter fjell

We would like to invite you to Når vi flytter fjell, a kind of site specific travelling-performance at Taubanesentralen in Longyearbyen.

The performance is based on Taubanesentralen’s history, Taubanesentralen in itself, our meeting with Taubansentralen and emerged fantasy. The performance explores the beauty in the industrial, and is easily seduced by steel constructions, rust, coal, dirty windows, transport, efficiency and functionality.

Practical information:

8th of December
18.00 o’clock

The performance is free, for registration, please email:

Meet us outside of Taubanesentralen. If you come by car, please park somewhere else than right outside the building. One suggestion is to park by the church. There you can also use the toilet if needed, as Taubanesentralen is toilet-free.

The duration of the performance is one short hour.

It’s just as cold inside as outside, so dress to stay warm! We’ll have something hot to drink – most likely cocoa!


Warm regards Kjersti, Fredrik og Magdalene

Poster: Kjersti Alm Eriksen