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Akademirommet: Dancing around the so-so

Akademirommet: Dancing around the so-so

Akademirommet welcomes you to an exhibition by students from the Academy of Fine Art.

dancing around/the medium, dancing around time/middle/fear/moderate/ordinary/form, dancing in a hamster wheel, run of the mill, escaping the hamster wheel, dacing around (form), dancing around so-so, dancing. around.

going around the medium/mediorcre/the norm. movement/not static. the action of trying to. we want to not be static, we want to dance. group dynamic. “awkward quote”, terningkast, peoples expectations, let’s stay in the so-so, the inbetween-ness


Vernissage Thursday 29.11. 19:00-22:00 at Akademirommet (located on the back of Kunstnernes hus). Refreshments will be served.

Martin Dušek
John Johansson
Luca Sørheim
Mikael Bakketun
Iris April Andresen
Hedda Grevle Ottesen
Alfred Julius Hølmebakk Brekke
Noah Carlsen Sullivan
Agnes Erika Gausdal Larsen
Magnus Kaurin