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Information meeting

Bilde: Frå State (2016), danseperformance som er ein del av  stipendiatprosjektet Affective Choreographies til Ingrid Fiksdal. Meir info:
Foto: Anders Lindén
Bilde: Frå State (2016), danseperformance som er ein del av stipendiatprosjektet Affective Choreographies til Ingrid Fiksdal. Meir info: Foto: Anders Lindén

Information Meeting on the 2019 Fellowship Admissions

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts invites applicants and other interested parties to attend an open information meeting on our research fellow positions and the 2019 admissions..

Watch the video of the entire meeting.

Time: Tuesday, 4 December 2018, 17:00–19:00
Place: the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Fossveien 24, Audition Room 2 (Prøvesal 2)


  • Presentation of the fellowship programme by Trond Lossius, head of artistic research at the Academy
  • Presentation of what the various positions entail by a representative from each department
  • Q&A session

Participation at the meeting is not a requirement for applying.
The meeting will be filmed and subsequently made available online.
The presentation will be held in English.

The fellowship programme

The Oslo National Academy of the Arts is accredited as a university college with its own PhD programme in artistic research.
The Academy currently employs 27 research fellows distributed among its six departments.

For 2019, the Academy is looking for research fellows with good projects of national and international relevance. We are calling for applications for 6 research positions in the following disciplines:

  • the Academy of Dance (general, open call for applications)
  • the Academy of Fine Art (general, open call for applications)
  • the Academy of Opera (call for applications for a specific position)
  • the Art and Craft department (general, open call for applications)
  • the Design department (the field of costume design)
  • the Academy of Theatre (general, open call for applications)

Deadline 15. January 2019 13:00 CET - Note that all applications must be submitted electronically on the JobbNorge portal

Read more and find detailed information and a link to the call for applications

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