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Commedia dell’arte - 2017

Commedia dell’arte - 2017

2. årsstudentene i skuespillerfag viser sitt arbeid med arketyper.

"This is a workshop study of Commedia dell'arte (1545-1745) and it's well known arcthypes and a somewhat modern translation of that. We have worked for six weeks, improvising and playing senarios and made this performance in the last week." - Stephen Hutton

Rollelærer: Stephen Hutton


Helene Naustdal Bergsholm, Carl Martin Eggesbø, Gina Hermine Bernhoft Gørvell, Tani Hansen, Thea Lambrechts Vaulen, Victoria Ose, Manish Sharma, Ina Svenningdal

Kostymer: Hedda Simonsen Lund
Foto: Stephen Hutton
