Kostyme- og scenografiforum: Lawrence Malstaf
Forelesningsserien Kostyme- og scenografiforum er et samarbeid mellom avdelingene Design og Teaterhøgskolen, og ambisjonen er å utforske hva scenografi og kostyme kan være. Hvilken rolle spiller scenografi og kostyme i scenekunsten? Hva er de sentrale problemstillingene innenfor feltet? Torsdag 6.april vil Lawrence Malstaf gi en presentasjon av sitt kunstnerskap.
Tid: Torsdag 6.april 2017, kl. 18-20.
Sted: Auditoriet, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.
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The work of Lawrence Malstaf (b. 1972, Bruges, Belgium) can be situated on the border-line between the visual and the theatrical. He develops installation and performance art with a strong focus on movement, coincidence, order and chaos and a series of sensorial rooms for individual visitors. He also creates larger mobile environments dealing with space and orientation often using the visitor as a co-actor. His projects often involve advanced technology as a point of departure or inspiration but also to activate the installa-tions.
Lawrence Malstaf has won several international awards in the field of art and new technology. In 2008 he won the Witteveen + Bos - prize for Art + Technology (NL), in 2009 he received the Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica (A) and in 2010 he was the winner of the Ex-cellence Prize at The 13th Japan Media Arts Festival in Tokyo (JP). His project ‘Pavilion’ wa selected for IBBT Art&D-call (iMinds) in 2011, and in this context he collaborated closely with the Ghent University Multimedia Lab.
He currently lives and works in Tromsø (Norway), exhibits internationally and is represented by Tallieu Art Office in Brussels (earlier Galerie Fortlaan 17).
Photo from "Polygon".