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Akademirommet: In Conversation With…

Akademirommet: In Conversation With…

This group exhibition with a mix of students from The Academy of Fine Art and guest exhibitors, enter the generous contract of the conversation with sharing and corresponding to thoughts and ideas. This may push the work in directions not foreseen.

As human beings, we participate in and are influenced by conversations with ourselves, our friends, our colleagues – with amateurs and experts within our own fields and other fields.

In this group exhibition project, which is a continuation of the course “Painting studio; notes and conversations”, each one of us had either a plan of something or someone we wanted to work with. We thereafter invited external partners, being aware that if we enter the generous contract of the conversation with sharing and corresponding to thoughts and ideas – this may push all of us in directions we had not foreseen.

While no art project is independent of other art, art is also in conversation with its immediate surroundings. Coexistence with other objects or words in a common space may shift the story. Our collaborative works and ideas may thus be further shifted when we as a group enter Akademirommet.

Knowing where we started – but not where this will end.

Hans Olav Aarvik
Odin Drønnen
Aljosa Erakovic
Göran Hilmersson
Amanda Hårsmar
Fatima Kassius
Maria Nöremark
Ida Aurora Ribu
Kristian Suvatne Augland

Hans Olav Aarvik, Amanda Hårsmar, Maria Nöremark and Kristian Suvatne Augland are all bachelor level students at Kunstakademiet, KHIO, Oslo.

See Akademirommet for upcoming events.