Poetry as Score
The project "Poetry as score" is a collaboration between MA Dance at KHIO and students from the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH).
In this project, the students have explored poetry as a starting point for dance and musical interpretation. The expanded performer’s role in the intersection of interpreting and creating, has been at the center of the exploration in the encounter between dancer and musician.
The project has consisted of a four-day workshop, as well as an independent interpretation process where students have worked with a self-chosen poetic material as a starting point. The project is concluded with showings at Majorstuen Kirke.I prosjektet Poetry as Score har studentene utforsket poesi som utgangspunkt for danserisk og musikalsk interpretasjon. Den utvidede utøverrollen i skjæringspunktet mellom tolkende og skapende, har stått i sentrum for utforskningen i møtet mellom danser og musiker.
Yelena Arakelow, dans
Jules Boëda, piano
Maria Ayala Ferrer, piano
Tuva Færden, hardingfele, dans, stemme
Daniel Goldin, fiolin
Antonia Harke, dans
Mirika Ishida, dans
Emma Leah Culén Khei, dans
Marte Kristine Brustad Melhus, dans
Pauline Antonia Schulte-Beckhausen, bratsj
Sigmund Toppe, piano
Sigrid Marie Kittelsaa Vesaas, dans
Kursleder/veileder: Janne-Camilla Lyster (KHiO)
Veileder: Ellen Ugelvik (NMH)
Free admission