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Avgang 2023: Reyes Santiago Rojas Figueroa / SWEPT

Avgang 2023: Reyes Santiago Rojas Figueroa / SWEPT

The exhibition SWEPT is Reyes Santiago Rojas Figueroa's graduation project in Master Fine Art (MFA).

The line consists of an infinite number of points; the plane, of an infinite number of lines; the volume, of an infinite number of planes; the hypervolume, of an infinite number of volumes...No, this, more geométrico, is decidedly not the best way to begin my tale. To say that the story is true is by now a convention of every fantastic tale;mine, nevertheless, is true.

Jorge Luis Borges, The Book of Sand translated by Andrew Hurley

Bogotá, 50th Avenue, third floor, the rooftop of the house where I grew up. My family swept the floor of that place. The 245 grams they collected were sent to Oslo. Once I opened the bag, I saw nothing but fragments of dust, dirt and debris.

A few months before, I had bought a microscope to see the stars between the empty spaces of my hands. Instead, I used the optical device to see what was in that dust, light as the weight of the immigrant. Thus, indirectly, I understood that distance becomes a miniscule memory—even the birdseed for the canary— until the sand becomes dust.

This is neither fiction nor imagination. Everything was there, inside that bag.


Vernissage: Friday March 10th, 6PM in Skylight
Viewing hours March 11th to 18th, Monday – Saturday from 13.00-17.00
By appointment: