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Credit: ©Itziar Okariz
Credit: ©Itziar Okariz

Webinar: Itziar Okariz / The Statues

As invited artist within the MA1 scenarios course this year, Exquisite Corpses: 100 years of being young, revolutionary, and avant-gardist Itziar Okariz presents her series of works The Statues, their context and their genealogies.

The Statues are a series of actions consisting of murmured conversations and confrontations with statues and art objects. By directly confronting inanimate objects, the artist imbues them with soul, life, and subjectivity. The content of these conversations and the prolonged positions that the artist takes up in front of these objects spring from a strong, subjective relationship that is difficult to convey; it defies common sense and supports the intra-history and the personal and intimate way in which we relate to objects and art.

Register in advance for this webinar here

Itziar Okariz (ES, 1965), is an artist that works within the framework of action and performance. Her work –vocal performances, instant acts, videos, installations and text pieces– examines the ties between architecture, territory, body, ritual, sexuality, and semiotics. Often associated with feminist practices, punk-rock and the queer critique of normative gender constructs, Itziar deploys a form of aesthetic dissidence associated with Situationism.
Recent projects include Aliens are Temporary, Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch and Kunstraum Bethanien. Berlin (2022). Unquiet Objects, Disjecta, Portland (2021); Ocean Breath in Moving Words. Rimi Scenekunst. Stavanger, Norway (2021); Ocean Breath at The Night of Ideas MNCARS. Madrid (2021). Bodies of Water, 13th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai (2020). The Statues, Fundacion Oteiza, Alzuza (2020); Perforated by; Spanish pavilion of the 58th Venice Biennale, together with Sergio Prego (2019); I Never Said Umbrella, Tabakalera, San Sebastián (2018); A construction… CA2M, Madrid (2018); Itziar Okariz, Kunsthaus Baselland, Basel (2017).

This open lecture will be hosted by professor Dora Garcia and is a part of the Academy of Fine Art´s public program, full program can be found here.