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Forum Dans #7: Elizabeth Corbett

Forum Dans #7: Elizabeth Corbett

Forum Dans #7 is an artist talk with Elizabeth Corbett in conversation with Anne-Linn Akselsen. 

Elizabeth Corbett is currently working to stage the performance “Vile Parody of Addess” by William Forsythe, and teaching Forsythe Improvisation Technologies to the students of BA Classical Ballet and BA Contemporary dance.


Elizabeth Corbett received her early training in Rochester NY. Corbett danced with the Joffrey Ballet and the Milwaukee Ballet before she moved to Europe. There, she became a soloist with William Forsythe's Frankfurt Ballet and danced for over a decade in works including Love Songs, Artifact, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated, Enemy in the Figure, Steptext, Behind the China Dogs and other Forsythe works. Ms. Corbett now teaches ballet, improvisation technologies, and Forsythe repertory internationally. She was Dance Coordinator for Anne Teresa DeKeersmaeker's school of contemporary dance, PARTS, in Brussels from 1999 - 2005 and danced in a work created for her by Ms. DeKeesmaeker in a Rosas/Impulstanz production called With/For/By. She has been choreographic assistant to William Forsythe, Ms. De Keersmaeker and for Robert Wilson in productions for the Paris Opera and Rosas. Ms. Corbett has taught classes and workshops for dance companies, festivals and schools around the world including PARTS/Rosas, Impulstanz Vienna, Cullberg Ballet, Paris Opera, Ballet, University of the Arts Philadelphia, Movement Research, Dance Platform Istanbul, Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts and Beijing Dance Academy where she received an honorary professorship. Ms Corbett has been choreographing since early 1990´s and recently premiered two new works. She received a Rosenbeng Distinguished Artist grant for her work at Towson University, and completed her Master of Fine Arts in Dance degree from Hollins University in 2019.

Forum Dans is arranged by the Academy of Dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). The forum seeks to open up and expand the space for debate and dialogue regarding relevant issues and topics within the field of dance.