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Open Forum: Open Call: UnTalented Performers*

Open Forum: Open Call: UnTalented Performers*

Whose Museum – first annual Oslo *UnTalented Show. Podium Friday June 3rd. Share your untalents with us by May 15th!

Whose Museum – Initiated in 2008, Whose Museum is an art collective and loose archival network that began in Vancouver as a journey yo challenge what a museum is and can be. Anyone can donate anything to the collection.

Open Forum is a student-run initiative from the Academy of Fine Art in Oslo that facilitates lectures, talks and other live events within fluid settings. We gather the voices of different cultural workers, artists, curators and organisations operating in and out of Norway, to create a dynamic space for a meaningful exchange of ideas and debate between our community.

*untalented performers across the range of what's deemed talent, dancers, artists, comedians, collectors and collectables, lecturers, poets, magicians, music lovers and music makers, bands too, and all else that fits into this mystery bag.