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Avgang 2022: Meridian current

Avgang 2022: Meridian current

Henrik Follesø presenterer sitt avgangsprosjekt i master billedkunst, på Resepsjonsgalleriet, KHiO.

You place three metronomes on a single surface. A cacophony of clicking arises; a mess of different tempos. The chaos slowly subsides, and you observe that they gradually align into a single consistent beat.

It is where the river turns a slight bend, that you meet the birch trees. Small green leaves sway gently in the cold air surrounding the water. An ever so slight breeze that guides your gaze towards the fields, stretching out behind the cluster of trees. Active farmland, passive woods. Apparently stationary in its meeting with the current, that is carrying you ever forward.

A new reference point is necessary. A new meridian multiple landscapes can interact with, a surface on to which they can stand. Something to elevate them from individual instances to elements in a greater landscape-network. So that landscapes can be understood in context; their cultural and political distance redefined. Where high-tech industry and derelict waterwheels are no longer placed as point A and B. Rather where the areas in between are granted dimension, and so ties the otherwise disparate landscapes together.

Åpning: Onsdag 02.03, Klokken 19-22
Åpen Tor. – Søn. Kl. 12-17
