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Avgang 2022: Popped Lipids

Avgang 2022: Popped Lipids

Popped Lipids is Annalise Wimmer's  graduation project in Master Fine Art (BFA).

Amongst the steely mounded clumps,
the lurid heads attract the unsuspecting passerby.
The ready to harvest deep-fat-beige is ready, for your disposal.
Extracted and trapped; an inverted grease box is left to turn and fritter,
while the bottom dweller is found nestled.
Feeding on any scraps left behind.

Popped Lipids is comprised of seemingly disparate objects and materials that touch upon ingestion, process and exchange. Somewhat confined, but mostly incontinent; they spread across and absorb each others characteristics.
Materials have been reworked, often multiple times, as if they were being ultra-processed. They get erased, substituted and rebuilt into configurations that lose stability, but will on occasion regain some kind of form and function.

Opening 26/02 19:00-22:00
27/02-05/03: 13:00-16:00 (or by appointment)