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Avgang 2022: I Think We've Waited Long Enough

Avgang 2022: I Think We've Waited Long Enough

Hamid Waheed presenterer sitt avgangsprosjekt i master billedkunst på K4.

There is duration and there is surface.

Then there’s an I and there’s a you.

The work is placed in a desert landscape. It relays an immersive narrative using text, videos and sounds of varying sources. The montage is a continuous flow of disparate, but carefully selected images in which the juxtaposition of their contents and formats are central. There is a romance too – a communication – but one in which the participants remain materially ambiguous as the world unfolds.

“I Think We’ve Waited Long Enough” is part of the artist’s ongoing interest in cactus plants and deserts, which began in late 2018. This endeavor has otherwise spawned the web portal and film ‘Areoles’ (for the queer arts platform Ergi) and the collaborative theatre performance “Taking Root” with Kim Reenskaug (WOW SAILOR), Eli Mai Huang Nesse and Vilde Jensen (co-production with BiT Teatergarasjen).


Friday 11.02, 19-22

Dates for exhibition period:

Saturdays and Sundays 12-16
Or by appointment:

K4, Københavngata 4. Link to gallery.


Avgang i master billedkunst 2022

Avgangsstudentene på master i billedkunst eksamineres på bakgrunn av individuelle utstillinger. Det skal gi større rom for eksperimentering, men også muligheter for samarbeid på den tradisjonelle gruppeutstillingen på Kunstnernes Hus. Studentene deltar fortsatt på gruppeutstilling på Kunstnernes hus, men den er ikke lenger del av eksamen.