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Foto: Henrik Follesø Egeland
Foto: Henrik Follesø Egeland

Avgang 2022: _sirens_

Benedict Beldam presenterer sitt avgangsprosjekt i master billedkunst på Oslo Badstuforening (Sukkerbiten).

7th Feb - 18th Feb, 11:30-13:00, Sauna «Anda» at Sukkerbiten by the Oslo fjord (Reservation - make sure to place it in good time ahead). New tickets are also available 24 hours before each session. Please show up 5 minutes prior to the session in order claim your seat.

Oslo 2016-2022:

Over the course of the past years, a woman has been visiting the floating saunas down by the fjord. She wears a red bathing suit with an open back and sometimes, she brings a scarlet suitcase. When the suitcase is opened, you never know exactly what will be unleashed into the world. You will just have to wait and see (or hear) it for yourself.

Whatever will be unleashed from the suitcase this time has luggage from the past. Through this link, the old luggage tag so to speak, you will be able to access it.

Note: The lifeboats of MSR Titanic had a capacity of 65 people each. Some were only half full by the time they hit the water. The names of the invited audience were drawn from a pool of about 200 names using an algorithm, gathered in groups of 34.

Link to artist's webpage.

Avgang i master billedkunst 2022

Avgangsstudentene på master i billedkunst eksamineres på bakgrunn av individuelle utstillinger. Det skal gi større rom for eksperimentering, men også muligheter for samarbeid på den tradisjonelle gruppeutstillingen på Kunstnernes Hus. Studentene deltar fortsatt på gruppeutstilling på Kunstnernes hus, men den er ikke lenger del av eksamen.