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Jonathan Burrows
Jonathan Burrows

Forum Dans #6: Meeting Jonathan Burrows

Join us for this precious occasion to meet one of the leading choreographers from the experimental field of contemporary dance.

Jonathan Burrows is a choreographer whose main focus is an ongoing body of pieces with the composer Matteo Fargion, with whom he continues to perform around the world. The two men are co-produced by PACT Zollverein Essen and Sadler's Wells Theatre London. His A Choreographer's Handbook is published by Routledge and has sold over 16,500 copies internationally since its publication in 2010, as well as being translated into 7 other languages. Burrows is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre for Dance Research Coventry University.

In conversation with Mette Edvardsen and Bojana Cvejić, Burrows will expand on the questions that have marked his work in the past three decades and most recently, such as music for lectures, choreography v. dancing, local and international contexts of collaboration, collaboration as counterpoint (which ‘assumes love between the parts’), the vicissitudes of contemporary performance production and research, expansion of dance cultures and more. This talk will be accompanied with excerpts from Burrows’ performances. Please, join us for this precious occasion to meet one of the leading choreographers from the experimental field of contemporary dance.

Mette Edvardsen is choreographer and performer, as well as Research fellow at KHiO, the Academy of Dance.
Bojana Cvejić is performance theorist and dramaturg, as well as Professor of Dance and Dance Theory, at KHiO.

Forum Dans is arranged by the Academy of Dance at Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO). The forum seeks to open up and expand the space for debate and dialogue regarding relevant issues and topics within the field of dance.

Smittevern: Regjeringen har besluttet at utpekte arrangør skal ha oversikt over hvem som er tilstede på innendørs arrangementer. Dette for å sikre effektiv smittesporing ved eventuelle smittetilfeller. KHiO legger derfor opp til å registrere publikum ved åpne utstillinger. Mer informasjon finns på oppslagene som er satt ut utenfor utstillingsrommene rundt om på KHiO.