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From Andreas Bardenfleth Hatt's exhibition “An Alternative Opening
From Andreas Bardenfleth Hatt's exhibition “An Alternative Opening

Andreas Bardenfleth Hatt / An Alternative Opening

The first exhibition this semester from The Academy of Fine Art: Andreas Bardenfleth Hatt's exhibition “An Alternative Opening" at the Breadbox Contemporary. This is an artist driven gallery space situated in the cafeteria at KHiO.

Breadbox hopes that you will take a couple of minutes of your time to come down (or up) to the café. As always, Breadbox will supply coffee to the attendees, so if you haven't eaten already, think about bringing your lunch! Come see, listen and stay for a while. See you there!

 With no other particular agendas but to research not what you cannot do in a breadbox, but rather what you can do in a breadbox that you cannot do in a regular gallery space, with the noise and setting of a highly trafficated feeding machine in the background. With pure intentions only, Breadbox is trying to connect the SiO cafeteria to your daily exposure of art, and make it a new place to hang out and talk to your fellow colleagues. Breadbox is but a humble attempt at connecting people, given birth to with lack of spaces that connects the school outside of the social spaces popping up in every floor in mind. I hope that you will bring a friend, have a cup of coffee or homemade/store bought lunch and see what the condition of the "bread" is.