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La cuina del MACBA (The MACBA kitchen), March 2020, Photo: Dani Cantó
La cuina del MACBA (The MACBA kitchen), March 2020, Photo: Dani Cantó

Pablo Martínez / Museum and Climate: to change life

At times of crisis, like the current one, it is crucial to emphasise the central role of culture in preventing the destruction of the planet.

Register for this webinar here

In 1989, Félix Guattari stated that any effective response to the looming ecological crisis would have to be “on a global scale” by means of a “political, social and cultural revolution”. At times of crisis, like the current one, it is crucial to emphasise the central role of culture, as noted by Guattari, in preventing the destruction of the planet. That is, he claimed that such a revolution should not only concern large-scale, visible relations, but also “the molecular domains of sensibility, intelligence and desire”. These fall precisely within the realm of art, and, by extension, the museum, which is one of the fundamental spaces for envisioning possible worlds to come.

Pablo Martínez has worked as head of programmes at the MACBA since 2016. He has overseen Education and Public Activities at the CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, Madrid (2009-2016) and associate lecturer in the History of Contemporary Art at the Fine Arts faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid (2011-2015). He edits the et al. series of essays (MACBA-Arcàdia). His lines of research include educational work with the body, as well as research into the power of images to produce political subjectivity. He is editorial secretary of the academic research journal Re-visiones and a member of the research and action group on education, art and cultural practices Las Lindes.

Pablo Martínez is invited by professor Dora García as part of her course "The White, The Cube, and Us", and Dora will also host this open lecture. The open lecture is also part of the Academy of Fine Art’s public programme series: