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Avgang 2021: Kunstakademiets bachelorutstilling / Til salgs

Avgang 2021: Kunstakademiets bachelorutstilling / Til salgs

This year's graduation exhibition for bachelor students at the Academy of Fine Arts brings art and art production back to St. Olavsgate 32.

This is a symbolic, cultural-historical address in central Oslo: The building was originally built for the Norwegian Mapping Authority in 1880. From 1981 to 2010, the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts was located at St. Olavsgate 32. During these years a central epoch in Norwegian art history was created, by students, staff, professors and invited national and international artists. In several ways, this period is formative for today's art scene, in the country in general and Oslo in particular.

The graduation exhibition «For Sale» takes place at the same time as the state sells the facility worthy of protection to the highest bidder. The sale is a direct consequence of the government's market liberal policy, our common cultural heritage will be traded and privatized. St. Olavsgate 32 joins a series of cultural-historical buildings, originally created to develop Norwegian society with cultural and knowledge production, which are now sold on the open market. Few strings attached.

In the meeting between location, exhibition and sale, contradictions and connections between education, art, city development and society are made visible. Bringing art and art production back to the house, albeit for a short period, is a political, historical, artistic, social and poetic act, as well as a tribute to the building's history.

The exhibition includes a public program with invited artists and others, a selection of the Art Academy's own art collection, a library and cinema screenings in collaboration with Kunstneres Hus Kino. The previous visions for the center of Oslo are such brought back to life; as an area in which education, art and knowledge production should be centrally located helping to create a vibrant city center, available for the entire of the city's population.

Artists: Amr Abou Chakra, Iris April Andresen, Isan Maher Atif, Alma Braun, Alfred Brekke, Solveig Ylva Dagsdottir, Felix Dahlström Persson, Stacey de Voe, Marius Eriksen, Agnes Erika Gausdal Larsen, Sara Liv Hermansson, Annie Hägg, Ada Fessler, Elise Nohr , Ninni Lucia Dahle Nyhus, Signe Greve, Ole Petter Ribe, Isabella Sajin-Henningsen, Maria Storm-Gran, Pia Sundt Bjørlie, Joakim Mathisen, Vilja Sylvareik

Curator: Helle Siljeholm

Partners: Kunstnernes Hus Kino, Open Forum, Young Artists' Society, w / more

For further information about the exhibition, artists, works and program:

Instagram: stolavsgate32_tilsalgs

The film "Til Salgs" on Instagram

Kveldsnytt 21.04 (innslag nr. 6):