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The Portal

The Portal

Exhibition by Katri Paunu, second year MFA student in Medium and Material-based Art.

'The Portal' references to multiple meanings varying from bodily functions such as the veins in human body, to an architectural structure like a gate, or a passage. Portal can be viewed also in fictional means as a magical or technological doorway to another location, period in time or dimension. Portals are also used in internet as an entrance to other websites.

The ambiguity of this term is fruitful to gather varying associations composed as a habitat likened to a treshold. This site combines ceramics as hollow 'host' bodies leaking of water, yeast and sugar. These elements are fundaments that continuously flows, inhabits, devours and feeds various different lifeforms.

Katri Paunu's practise has its core in ceramics but is often collided with various living materials such as fungi, carnivorous plants and recently yeast. Themes in her oeuvre focuses on the borderlines of life and death, relating to the process of ceramics as its practically following living material to its death, the end point of all organic life. Paunu graduated as BA of arts & design in the department of ceramics from the Gerrit Rietveld academie in 2018 and she has since exhibited her work in various platforms in the Netherlands, Finland and Norway.