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Exhibition Histories – Luca Frei - AVLYST

Exhibition Histories – Luca Frei - AVLYST

Luca Frei is an artist, exhibition and occasional graphic designer. The talk will focus on his approach as an artist to strategies of display.


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The talk will focus on Luca Frei’s approach as an artist to strategies of display. Bringing examples from exhibitions such as bauhaus imaginista, curated by Marion von Osten and Grant Watson, 2018-2020, and Migration: traces in an art collection, curated by Maria Lind and Cecilia Widenheim, 2019-2020, he will expand on his research and method of working with display, of unpacking existing material, extracting concepts and images and amplifying them in space, of bringing topic, contexts, and artworks in dialogue with each other.

Luca Frei (born in Lugano 1976, based in Malmö) is an artist, exhibition and occasional graphic designer. He is also Associate Professor at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, BFA, Copenhagen. His solo exhibitions include institutions such as the Kunsthaus Glarus; the Bonner Kunstverein; and the Lunds Konsthall; along with participation in biennials such as the Cairo Biennial; the Prague Biennial; and the Istanbul Biennial. He participated in group exhibitions at The National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto; Bildmuseet Umeå; Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, amongst others. Recent exhibition designs include Tensta Konsthall, Malmö Konstmuseum, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, CentroCentro Madrid, Malmö Konsthall; Azkuna Zentroa Bilbao; Tate Liverpool; M HKA, Antwerp; The Drawing Room, London; and Nottingham Contemporary.