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Josephine Jewkes

Josephine trained at the RBS White Lodge and at Bush Davies Schools and privately with Cleo Nordi and Svetlana Beriosova before joining London Festival Ballet (later English National Ballet) aged 17.

As Principal Dancer Josephine danced all the leading roles in the repertoire. Favourite roles were Giselle/Myrtha, Tatyana, Juliet and Prelude/Mazurka. Her coach for many years was Maria Fay. Josephine created leading roles in new ballets by Christopher Bruce, Robert North, Ronald Hynd, Christopher Hampson, Derek Deane, Kevin Haigen, Siobhan Davies, Kim Brandstrup, Michael Clark, Maurizio Wainrot etc. Josephine was invited to join Rambert Dance Company in 1996 and danced works by Kylian, Naharin, Taylor, Cohan, Bruce, Tudor and Wray.

Josephine taught in London at Central School of Ballet, ENB School and at the Royal Academy of Dance. She has worked with Peter Schaufuss Balletten, Holstebro as ballet mistress to the company and teacher to the school.
In 2005 Josephine graduated from the University College of Dance, Stockholm and was invited to guest teach there.
Josephine taught at the Royal Swedish Ballet School 2005 – 13.

Josephine gained a BA Hons in Architecture from Kingston University in 2002 and was invited to lecture on dance.
Josephine has published articles on dance in the Dancing Times, Dance Now and on the I.A.D.M.S and websites. She has collaborated on books with Woytec Lowski (The Art of Teaching Classical Ballet) and Maria Fay’s Floor Barre.