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Galleri Seilduken: Steel uncanned

Galleri Seilduken: Steel uncanned

BA3 student Yildiz Yalcin is an artist and activist with focus on Art in public space.

“the abjectification in overrule
the aggressive rejection
the constant oppression
manic obsession
of productive destruction”

Place: Galleri Seilduken 2, 4th floor, Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Fossveien 24.

“Shit on your whole mortifying, imaginary and symbolic theater!!”
- Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari; Anti-Oedipus; Capitalism and Schizophrenia (1972, trans. 1977) (French: Capitalisme et Schizophrénie)

Yildiz Yalcin is an artist and activist with focus on Art in public space, Feminism / class struggle, environment / gentrification, production / antropology, post apocalypse / anti-misantropy, with the “brown space” and recycled materials as important means. She regularly exhibits since 2006, and curates since 2018. She is currently finishing her bachelor in Medium- and Material Based Art at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.